New Launch: Family 'N' Friends: Rekindle happiness, harmony, passion and romance for young married couples

New Product Launch Event Management

green, red, and white fireworks on sky at nighttime
green, red, and white fireworks on sky at nighttime

Events are a must to generate awareness and leads

  1. Brand building

  2. Generate meaningful leads, drive traffic to showroom/retail outlet

  3. Ensure cost optimisation and profitable operations

  4. Create meaningful and superior engagement for all stakeholders

  5. Feel the market pulse to create new offerings and products to stay ahead

Award-winning dedicated team to unlock the rural sales potential

Driving brand growth, campaign cost optimisation, amplifying operations bandwidth, and magnifying presence in the rural landscape come naturally to our dedicated team; which has won many accolades in rural PV, 2-wheeler, 3-wheeler, CV, EV (Electric Vehicle) and tractor sales

For Automobile dealers and rural teams, we do the following via training and coaching in local vernacular as well

  1. Process (SOPs implementation, competition benchmarking, standardisation)

  2. Product (sales talk, sales pitch, FABing)

  3. Sales (pre-sales, during sales, post-sales)

  4. Productivity enhancement (one-to-one coaching, performance management, DWM-Daily Work Management)

  5. Influencer management/engagement

For OEM: Automobile dealer sales process profitability consulting

  1. Dealership profitability (product/service mix, cost optimization, KRA design, task allocation (implementation)

  2. Lead management, hyperlocal marketing, sales process outsourcing (full-time deployment, sales process optimisation, tech-enabled process management)

  3. Network creation expansion in rural India; strategy, D2C (Direct to Customer) for high-value products

  4. IDT-Internal Dealer Trainer deployment on our rolls, Senior managerial talent hunt and intensive handholding coaching (OJT)

  5. Market scanning, product adoption, pre-used product vertical management

group of people sitting on black bench
group of people sitting on black bench
turned-on post-2018 iPhone
turned-on post-2018 iPhone
yellow and white trophy
yellow and white trophy
man and woman sitting at the table
man and woman sitting at the table

Let's Connect

Listening to your feedback and reading your comments makes me very happy. Contact me if you have any questions, comments, or information, or to request a quote. I will get back to you shortly. Remember that you can also follow me on my social networks or write to my email: PrabhjotSood@Gmail.Com

Mobile: +91 9653-422-055