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Training needs identification is a precursor to content development, leading to meaningful, productive and measurable interventions

man in white and gray pinstripe dress shirt wearing gold framed sunglasses
man in white and gray pinstripe dress shirt wearing gold framed sunglasses
a stack of rocks sitting on top of a rocky beach
a stack of rocks sitting on top of a rocky beach

Training Needs Identification (TNI) 

It involves identifying the specific skills and knowledge gaps that exist within the workforce, to develop targeted training interventions. This process helps to ensure that employees have the necessary capabilities to perform their jobs effectively. By conducting thorough assessments and evaluations, organizations can pinpoint areas where additional training is required.

woman in white robe sitting on black office rolling chair
woman in white robe sitting on black office rolling chair

Training Need Analysis (TNA)

By conducting a thorough assessment, the specific training requirements of employees can be determined, leading to targeted development programs. This analysis considers various factors such as the current competencies of the employees, industry trends, emerging technologies, and the organization's goals. It helps identify areas where additional training or upskilling is necessary to enhance productivity, efficiency, and performance.

three men laughing while looking in the laptop inside room
three men laughing while looking in the laptop inside room

Concern Validation Study (CVS)

A validation study is a crucial step in research to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the findings. It involves thoroughly examining the methods, procedures, and measurements used in the study. The purpose is to determine whether the results obtained are consistent and valid.